
The Artifice of Beauty: A History and Practical Guide to Perfume and Cosmetics

artifice of beauty
Why did Egyptians wear so much make up? Were the Vikings really unwashed barbarians? How did the fashionable Elizabethan deal with bathing, lice and excessive facial hair? What happened underneath all that hairpowder and scented pomade in the eighteenth century? How did young women find out about the latest beauty products in the past? This fascinating and unique book traces the way in which we have adorned, perfumed and presented ourselves from the earliest prehistoric evidence right through to the dawn of the multi-million dollar cosmetics industry. We discover what the perfumes found in Tutankhamen's tomb would have smelt like, what made the medieval woman so synonymous with "the lily and the rose," and where the most fashionable place was for a woman to buy perfume in the eighteenth century. In the sixteenth and seventeenth century the devil reputedly carried a looking glass, and the most expensive cosmetics could kill. A century later, Beau Brummel recommended the scent of freshly aired linen as an appropriate perfume for a gentleman, and Napoleon himself doused himself in quantities of cologne. This richly illustrated book also includes a wide selection of modernised recipes for those wishing to experience some of the cosmetics or perfumes used by our ancestors.

Price: $34.95

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Samatha said...

i always adore the Egyptian's women of expressing beauty and how they put their make up especially their thick black lines in their eyes which made them look like goddesses of woman beauty.

Nursing Uniform said...

This book contains everything I want to know about beauty and other stuffs.

pheromone cologne said...

The perfumes have been used even in the past centuries and have been highly valued in every cultured and like on a first commenter I also adore Egyptian's women of expressing their beauty.


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